High capacity Storage Element
MUST is involved in LHC computing as Tier-2 site for ATLAS and LHCb experiments. There are about 150 Tier-2 sites mostly at universities and scientific institutes, delivering about half of the global distributed resources required for the processing, distribution and storage of data collected at CERN by the LHC experiments.
To make real world-wide distributed computing possible, all computer centers must be seamlessly integrated. This means integrating CPU, storage and network. Moreover, the data distribution accross sites is performed via continous asynchronous data transfers relying in the capacities of sites to transfer data in and out of their storage elements.
In this context, MUST provides several Petabytes of disk only space accessible via specific grid protocols. The data is distributed across a collection of several tens storage nodes and network connectivity of the range between 10/25 Gb/s up to 40/100 Gb/s.